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Drexel CoAS talks mp3 podcast Subscribe with Bloglines

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Peer Review in the Google Age Dominy

Here is the podcast and screencast of Peggy Dominy and Jay Bhatt's talk on Peer Review in the Google Age. She does a nice job introducing the history of peer review then discusses current issues from a librarian's perspective.

Flash screencast
mp3 podcast

Peer Review in the Google Age Dominy Powerpoint

Peer Review in the Google Age talk (Peggy Dominy and Jay Bhatt)

Peer Review in the Google Age Dominy vodcast

Peer Review in the Google Age talk (Peggy Dominy and Jay Bhatt)
m4v vodcast

Monday, February 27, 2006

Peer Review in the Google Age Bradley mp3

Peer Review in the Google Age was the theme of our Feb 23, 2006 RSS club meeting. I invited a few librarians to present while I gave my perspective as a scientist. There were 3 short talks and I am posting them separately.

For the first time I recorded the screencast with a webcam when I was not using Powerpoint. Present in the room were Jay Bhatt, Peggy Dominy and Kevin Owens. Frank Fulchiero and his team from Connecticut College were also watching over Polycom videoconferencing. Heather Morrison from Simon Frazer University watched and presented over Netmeeting. Her audio came through a telephone conference call.

I have also created a vodcast that will play in iTunes or on a video ipod. I'll include it as a separate post so it shows up separately from the mp3 podcast enclosure here.

Flash screencast
mp3 podcast

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Peer Review in the Google Age Bradley Powerpoint

Peer Review in the Google Age talk (JC Bradley)

Peer Review in the Google Age Bradley vodcast

Peer Review in the Google Age talk (JC Bradley)
m4v vodcast

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