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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Open Notebook Science and Cheminformatics

I guest lectured on Rajarshi Guha's cheminformatics course at Indiana University on March 25, 2008. After an introduction to Open Notebook Science and the synthesis of anti-malarial compounds, I discuss SMILES, InChIs, InChIKeys, CMLRSS, JCAMP-DX, JSpecView, ExcelVBA, blogs, wikis and Second Life.

audio (mp3)
Screencast on SciVee

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Albright Talk on Educational Technology

Here is my talk at Albright College on March 17, 2008. I mainly discussed the evolution in my use of blogs, wikis and Second Life in the teaching of undergraduate organic chemistry courses.

audio (mp3)

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