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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

LISE08 talk on Second Life in the Chemistry Classroom

I talked about Second Life in the chemistry classroom at the Chemical Heritage Foundation on April 29, 2008. This was part of the 8th Annual Leadership Initiative in Science Education (LISE 8). Most examples involve work done in collaboration with Andrew Lang. At the end I invite the group to an in-world meeting on May 6, 2008 at 13:30 EDT on ACS island. (slurl)

audio mp3
Google video screencast

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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

ACS Talk on Cheminformatics in Open Notebook Science

I present at the American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans on April 6, 2008. The use cheminformatics tools such as SMILES, InChI, InChIKeys and JCAMP-DX to store and retrieve experimental information on a public laboratory notebook is detailed.

audio (mp3)
screencast (Google Video)

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ACS Talk on Teaching Chemistry with Second Life

I present on using Second Life to teach chemistry at the American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans April 7, 2008. Examples include using quizzes, generating 3D molecules, visualizing docking, proteins and reactions. An overview of ACS island is also given, with a focus on the Sci-Mix virtual poster session. Much of this work was done in collaboration with Andrew Lang.

audio (mp3)
screencast (Google Video)

UBC Talk on Open Notebook Science and Libraries

I presented a talk about Open Notebook Science and the implications for the future of libraries for Heather Morrison's class at the School of Libraries at the University of British Columbia on April 2, 2008. We did this over Skype so the questions are not very clear in the audio.

audio (mp3)
Screencast (Google Video)

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